About Us

We met in late 2022, and this is our story.

Give more to the Sports

Welcome to our page! We are a group of guys who are passionate about both technology and sports. Our mission is to combine these two interests to create innovative solutions that will enhance the sporting experience for athletes and all the people involved in it.

With backgrounds in graphic, engineering, and sports management, we bring a unique blend of skills and expertise to the table. Our goal is to leverage the power of technology to revolutionize the way sports are played, studied, and experienced. We are dedicated to pushing the boundaries of what is possible in the world of sports technology, starting with Rally we decided to take the first step in this amazing world!

We are excited to embark on this journey and invite you to join us as we strive to make a positive impact on the sports industry. Thank you for visiting our page and supporting our vision. Let’s innovate and win together!

Our Team

Sonora Mozzato

Michele Ferrara

Elia De Guio

Property: DotZERO S.R.L.


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